every soldier marches on his stomach:P this is my breakfast,bannana and coconut milk,

and curry with field snails:P

we got out early that morning,to go do a pick up at the Euro cake factory (yummy!)
(Warning this post if full of glorious things to eat!)

OH yeah I walked by one of these spirit houses in case some of you never seen one,here there are so many! you can't throw a rock without hitting one!

Heres my bro in front of the factory.

me inside the factory i took the photo and noticed the "NO taking photo sign"eheh well i didn't see it!!

after we picked up a loads of cakes,we took off aaaannnddd.....our car brakes down!
just the perfect timing,we happen to be right infront of a garage:D

"He fixed the car for free, and we met his family,everything worked out good in the end" (sings)

bored so i took a photo!!ahah weirdness and limited space caused it!!

ahah! hand rest for the gear shaft "Go Argentina!!!"

pissed off at the heat.

well in the end we got back on the road and spent most part of the day in the car,and we arrived at Rayong a beach province,we went to see a friend to ask if he could give us a new set of wheels for our car.

and he said YES!!!!!!!!!!omg omg!!! 4 huge Maxis 4x4 wheels awsumes!!!

me standing in a room full of car wheel shells,sexy metal here!!

well yeah, same room,not really sure why i took another one but yeah anyways.

we waited for about 3 hours for them to put the new wheels in,and all that jazz so i got bored and drank coffee!! Oh eM Gee!! i never drink that forbidden drink eva!!! well thats lunch too:P

and this would be my 3rd cup of coffee,(yep i was bored like major!)

so i decided to turn on the com and do some Japanese history,in the form of Age of Empires Asian Dynasties LOL!! finally we where done and back on the road,we where going to see and another friend,he owns a huge wood factory that makes furniture and all that type of jazz.

here me in the massive room full of wood!!!

he makes Thai houses too,this one cost about 3.9 million baht.

me in from of the cafe at his factory.

coffee shop!!

My bro (det) ordering a drink, OH btw its FREE!! all you can drink type!! such a nice guy!

inside the factory.

the coffee shop,bad lighting.

ahhh this is a boat-sink!! not a sinking boat,a sink made from a boat!! pure awesumness!!! Thai used to use these for travel in the many streams and rivers that connect houses.

Oh and this house cost 3.5 million.

and my drink!!! (blue Hawaii fizzy drink) with butter bread.

yep all mine!!

Thai curtians.

I made a rose from a leaf,i was umm bored:P and the envelope happens to be the donation.

fish pond,but umm you can't see the fish..:(

grand double doors!! i love the dragons! toli Chinese style!

so we left him after a 2 hour visit/talk/tour/eat:P
we went to the room,this is free too!! quite nice all wooden you can just smell the fresh wood in your sleep!aahhah!! anyway we stayed the night,

next morning(det eating breakfast)

after we got really to continue the trip,but before leaving my dad went and talked to the maid for an hour,soooo i went to practice my knife throwing.

my beauties!!! Rosie says they the Chinese means small knife,which describes it purtty well.

and action!!

Oooo ready to leave!! wait for me!!!! theres our new "Sweet set of wheels!!"

me and my dad,waiting for the lady owner of a gas station,AND......

a coffee shop!!!!!!!!!!

i love this sign,it brings such happiness:P

me and my drink! ice coco!

theres she is!!

my brothers drink blueberry yogurt shake.

but he was in the bathroom to I took a bit!!ahaha!! (just a wee bit!)

this is the farthest i'm taking you(wink wink)

then we moved on to our next stop.lunch!! my Yen ta fo!! so good!!! in short noodles and soup:P

all three of us but umm a bit blurry.

ehheheh bathroom break,

interesting sign.......

oh and so after lunch we went to a school to teach disipline and work ethic training. i got another drink!FREE!!!

here i am being the Mr know-it-all at the com.

SHES SLEEEPPING!!!??!!? in my class??? stang!!@$%!@!

all the students being wiped to shape and learning how to toe the line,

after an hour of talking and teaching nuaghty kids,we came to pick up our meat for the next two months,heres me with all the freezers,

and more freezers.

eheh my snack,sticky rice burger! awesome!!! i bet you never seen one of these before!!

and so ends my trip,driving home at about 6 pm,the sun was saying bye and so do I,bye bye!!
Wants the food, wants the food, wants the food!!!!!
Love the faces Kwan!!
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