Monday, March 31, 2008

1 minute poems a friend and I wait for another friend to get online......we're boring each other out so........the friend says....

friend: We’ve never met
(I don’t know that we ever will)
We write without the aid of quill
Lazily slouched in my swiveling chair
And since I cannot type I stare
And peck down at my keys
As we chat of what we please.

.........and I reply
Me: dials rounding in perfect circumference;
harmonious in beat and in utter indifference;
acknowledging none not living or still;
rounding about in it's own stubborn will;
could we ask it change it's speed;
let it come the moment we want it to be;
it turns its hands as if to say;
that part cometh yet, one day, one day.

we should do it again, what do you think??