Wednesday, January 23, 2008

She isn't dead _ Now U can stop wondering

Yep! that's me!
it's been an incredible amount since I've checked out my own blog, hows that for a news flash? I really really forgot I owned one until I heard a few people ask about it, I didn't realize people still take a peek at it every now and then. I secretly have this big guilt about it, I like blogging the same way I like all the other 10 hobbies I try to keep up with but the real truth is that I'm hardly able to keep up the other 9 the same way I'm unable to faithfully blog. It is a sad thing, even for me.

I don't think they'll be very many post (not near as many as last years, which BTW, amounted to exactly 100 post - lovely number) but I hope the once in a blue moon ones will lighten ur mind, tickle ur funny bone a bit, or make you feel terribly sad (in a good way - if you know what I mean)at least - I hope - you'll get something from it.

And This!!! oh ho ho!! I'm so proud of!! even tho pride isn't good if it's Godly pride then it can pass.


Anonymous said...

awesome photos! I love the second and fourth ones in particular! Goode work